COVID-19 Resources
Trusted, clear and effective communication and engagement approaches are critical to ensure that fear, panic and rumours do not undermine COVID-19 responses. You can use the tools and resources in this section to incorporate CEA into your COVID-19 operations. All resources can be found in list format here.
18 October 2021
Covid-19 dashboards
RCCE Collective ServiceA list of some data portals and dashboards on COVID-19.
18 October 2021
CEA during the COVID-19 pandemic Bangladesh
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study uses the Population Movement Operation (PMO)1 in Cox’s Bazar as an example to understand how an already complex humanitarian crisis was further complicated by the pandemic and…
18 October 2021
CEA during the COVID-19 pandemic Indonesia
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCA case study on the COVID-19 Community Cash Grant operation in Indonesia, as well as the earthquake relief operation in West Sulawesi. This study presents an interesting example to understand…
11 October 2021
COVID-19 rumour tracking report
IFRC, Turkish Red CrescentWith the support of IFRC, TRCS have been collecting rumours on COVID-19 related issues from the community through KAP assessment and feedback mechanisms to monitor, address and cover information gaps,…
7 October 2021
Impact study of COVID-19 on older people and caregivers in the South Caucasus
Armenian Red Cross Society, Austrian Red Cross, IFRC, Swiss Red Cross, UNFPAThis study looks at the impacts of COVID-19 on older people, professional health and social caregivers and trained RCRC volunteers in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and provides recommendations for improving…
29 September 2021
Social and behavioural insights: COVID-19 data collection tool for Africa
WHOResponding to the need to use social and behavioural data alongside biomedical data to mount an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO has developed the “Social and Behavioural Insights…
22 September 2021
Survey on the beliefs of the vulnerable population regarding the Covid-19 vaccine
Case StudyOrganization:
Hellenic Red CrossThis report details a survey carried out by the Hellenic Red Cross to measure the beliefs of a vulnerable population regarding COVID-19 vaccination and explore any potential areas for improvement…
22 September 2021
Risk communication and community engagement guidance on COVID-19 vaccines for marginalised populations
Collective Service RCCEThis inter-agency guidance document aims to supplement the COVAX demand creation package for COVID-19 vaccines with key considerations for humanitarian contexts and marginalized populations with specific access and communication needs.
8 September 2021
Covid-19 lessons learned workshop report
IFRC, Turkish Red CrescentThis report presents the main findings of the lessons learned workshop that was held by TRCS and IFRC Turkey Delegation to discuss the challenges and best practices from TRCS’ COVID-19…
6 September 2021
Addressing COVID-19 misinformation: Lessons from the frontlines in 100 countries
InternewsA report demonstrating the urgent need to support groups at the local level if COVID-19 misinformation and mistrust is to be tackled effectively.
6 September 2021
Improving the response to Covid-19: Lessons from the humanitarian sector around communication, community engagement and participation
CDAC NetworkThis paper distils the learning gained in the humanitarian aid sector which may help to mitigate or even go some way towards solving some of the challenges in working with…
31 August 2021
Building trust and ensuring success through student engagement
Case StudyOrganization:
WHOThis case study looks at how Leuven University created a student-run testing and contact tracing centre, listening and responding to community feedback.
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