CEA in Emergencies
This page is a one-stop shop for CEA in emergencies. It outlines the minimum actions for community engagement at each stage of the response, and the tools to help you put these into practice. It has links to CEA training packs for emergencies, a guide to CEA in emergencies, and case studies specific to conflict, earthquakes, and extreme weather. For health related emergencies, visit our CEA and Health page.
Ten actions to engage communities during emergency response operations
To successfully engage communities during emergency response operations, CEA should be incorporated into all stages of the programme cycle. To help you to do this, you can follow the ten actions below which have been categorised by the different stages. Under each action, you’ll also find a list of related tools from the CEA Toolkit. View a full explanation of each step here.
All stages of the programme cycle
Emergency assessment
Planning the response
During implementation
Evaluating and learning
Thematic Emergency Pages
Explore CEA in Emergencies Related Trainings
The end goal of community engagement is really about people having the information they need to take action.
It’s about people having a way to feedback to us, to influence the way we deliver an operation…
Explore CEA in Emergency Case Studies
2 July 2019
SURE programme – video report
InsightShareA Participatory Video (PV) produced by InsightShare to support the CEA efforts of the British Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society, as part of the region’s SURE programme.
2 July 2019
Earthquake recovery programme – video report
InsightShareA Participatory Video (PV) produced by InsightShare to support the CEA efforts of the British Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society, as part of the region’s earthquake recovery programme.
29 June 2019
Good practices, opportunities, methodologies and recommendations for the Incorporation of Cross-cutting Themes in Emergency Preparedness and Response
Canadian Red CrossA guide produced by the Canadian Red Cross on ‘Good Practices, Opportunities, Methodologies and Recommendations for the Incorporation of Cross-Cutting Themes in Emergency Preparedness and Response’.
29 June 2019
Cash Transfer Programme – Ecuadorian Red Cross
Ecuadorian Red CrossA video showing a Cash Transfer Programme implemented by the Ecuadorian Red Cross. The programme aimed to provide financial support to families affected by the 2017 earthquake and stimulate the…
27 June 2019
Charting the new norm?
Humanitarian Advisory GroupA report from the Humanitarian Advisory Group and the Pujiono Centre: ‘Charting the Norm? Local leadership in the first 100 days of the Sulawesi earthquake response’. The report looks at…
20 June 2019
SURE programme – video report
InsightShareA Participatory Video (PV) produced by InsightShare to support the CEA efforts of the British Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society, as part of the region’s SURE programme.
19 June 2019
Engaging people in armed conflict
ICRCA discussion paper from the ICRC called ‘Engaging People Affected by Armed Conflicts and Other Situations of Violence’. It recommends how to overcome the challenges faced when delivering assistance to…
19 June 2019
CEA 2017 Good practices from around the world
ICRC, IFRCA document featuring examples of community engagement and accountability initiatives carried out by the IFRC in both emergency and longer-term contexts.
19 June 2019
Perception survey: Nepal
Nepal Red CrossCommunity perceptions surveys produced by the IFRC to measure satisfaction in relation to disaster response, following the Nepal earthquake in 2015.
17 June 2019
Exit guidance (Haiti)
IFRCIFRC ‘Exit Guidance’ document, detailing the key messages, lessons learned and exit strategies following the Haiti earthquake.
17 June 2019
CEA planning template
IFRCA CEA planning template following the 2015 Nepal earthquake. This document covers the strategic steps of implementing CEA following the disaster, for urban and rural areas respectively.
17 June 2019
Strengthening community voices in disaster law decision making
Training MaterialOrganization:
IFRCA presentation from the IFRC Asia Pacific about the importance of community influence in decision making; community participation in disaster management in Asia Pacific and a national perspective of citizen…
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