CEA in Emergencies
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement always works in partnership with communities. In an emergency, it can be difficult to balance time and limited resources with our commitment to engage with the people in a meaningful way. These resources will offer useful guidance. Explore resources on integrating CEA into conflict, earthquake and extreme weather responses below, or discover all CEA in emergencies resources by using the search function at the bottom of the page. If you’re looking for health related emergencies, you can visit our CEA and Health page.
When working on emergency operations, you should be meeting the below CEA minimum actions. An explanation of where each CEA minimum action sits in the below programme cycle can be found here.
CEA minimum actions for an emergency
Latest ‘CEA in Emergencies’ resources
1 April 2020
CEA helps to tackle corruption in Malawi
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study produced by IFRC and Malawian Red Cross details how Malawi Red Cross Society used community engagement to tackle corruption by community leaders as part of the Cyclone…
30 March 2020
Community and organisational perceptions feedback: Cyclone Idai
CDAC NetworkA perceptions survey produced by CDAC and Equip Mozambique, with support from the Mozambique Red Cross and UNICEF, to ascertain the perceived levels of community engagement from organisations that responded…
26 March 2020
Community Engagement and Accountability: A learning review from Nepal
British Red CrossA learning review of the Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) activities implemented in Nepal by the NRCS, with support from BRC, between 2014 – 2018
3 July 2019
Community feedback bulletin on cyclone preparedness
IFRCThe bulletin provides insights into key areas for improvement around cyclone preparedness in the camps and issues that Red Cross and Red Crescent partners may want to consider when planning…
3 July 2019
Typhoon Bopha – communicating to save lives
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC Case Study on Typhoon Bopha, which hit Mindanao Island in the Philippines in December 2012. It details the Red Cross response to the disaster, and the channels of…
3 July 2019
Regional resilience initiative – infographics
IFRCAn IFRC infographic which explains the Regional Resilience Initiative in Southeast Asia. The project is an opportunity for National Societies to promote community disaster risk reduction both regionally and nationally.
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