CEA and Health
Before, during and after a health emergency, it is essential to provide people with trusted, clear and effective information. Engaging with communities can help to prevent fear, panic and rumours from undermining response efforts. Visit our COVID-19 page below or explore all CEA and health resources by using the search function.
Key resources
5 February 2024
Navigating New Grounds – The Psychological Consequences of Displacement
IFRCThis report provides an analysis of the psychosocial challenges and needs of Ukrainian refugees, both within Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. The study is critical in highlighting the complex psychological…
30 November 2023
From Feedback to Action, CEA ECHO PPP Learning Session
IFRCFrom Feedback to Action – a cross-regional peer learning webinar sharing experiences of how countries who are part of IFRC’s programmatic partnership pilot with ECHO have ensured feedback mechanisms are…
20 November 2023
Perception Survey on COVID-19 and Routine Immunisation
IFRC, Mongolian Red Cross Society, US AIDAs part of the USAID/BHA Building Trust Project, the Mongolian Red Cross Society (MRCS) conducted a household survey in July 2023 on community trust towards their organisation, and perception on…
31 October 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Georgia Case Study
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
28 September 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Guinea Case Study (French)
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability on public health emergencies. The overall objective of the…
18 September 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Guatemala Case Study (Spanish)
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
5 September 2023
Approaches to scaling up COVID-19 vaccination: Experiences from Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda
Anthrologica, Collective Service RCCEThis synthesis draws on evidence from academic and grey literature, review of available data, programme documents and rapid consultations with partners working in COVID-19 vaccination programmes.
29 August 2023
Executive Report: COVID-19 Community Perception Survey, Guatemala – July 2023
Guatemalan Red Cross, IFRCThis report provides a comprehensive overview of the key findings of a COVID-19 Perception Survey that was carried out in the departments of Chiquimula and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. If you are…
29 August 2023
Findings Report: COVID-19 Perception Survey, Guatemala – July 2023
Guatemalan Red Cross, IFRCIn May 2023, Guatemalan Red Cross (GRC) collected 1.244 COVID-19 perception surveys in the departments of Chiquimula and Quetzaltenango. These results reflect the perceptions of the participants after the end…
22 August 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Indonesia Case Study
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
22 August 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Malawi Case Study
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
22 August 2023
COVID-19 Perception Survey and Community Trust Index Presentation, Philippines
Presentation slidesOrganization:
IFRC, Philippine Red Cross, US AIDA presentation showcasing results from a COVID-19 perception survey that was carried out in the Philippines between February- March 2023.
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