Case studies: Europe

Browse case studies from the Europe region, including case studies on co-production, institutionalising CEA, and CEA in refugee services.

27 February 2023

Italian Red Cross Case Study – Perception Survey


Case Study


IFRC, Italian Red Cross

A case study on how Italian Red Cross conducted perception surveys with people evacuated from Ukraine, helping to understand their concerns and aspirations following their arrival in Italy.

  • Conflict
  • Migrants
  • Perception Survey
  • Refugees

27 February 2023

Hellenic Red Cross Case Study – Video Feedback


Case Study


Hellenic Red Cross, IFRC

A case study by Hellenic Red Cross exploring how video can be used to collect feedback from young people in a more fun and engaging way.

  • Community feedback
  • Video
  • Youth

27 February 2023

Hellenic Red Cross Case Study – Discussion Sessions


Case Study


Hellenic Red Cross, IFRC

This case study explores how the Hellenic Red Cross launched information and discussion sessions with women living in migrant accommodation centres in Greece as a chance for people to share…

  • Migrants
  • Psychosocial support
  • Refugees

1 April 2022

Social media in COVID-19 response – Bulgaria, Georgia, and IFRC


Case Study



These case studies look at some of the different approaches National Societies have taken to maintain interaction with communities during COVID-19, the impact social media has had, and how these…

  • COVID-19
  • Russian
  • Social media
  • Ukrainian

1 April 2022

Refugees, asylum seekers, and COVID-19 – Greece, United Kingdom and Netherlands


Case Study



These case studies look at the approaches National Societies across Europe have adopted to engage marginalised communities in the pandemic response.

  • Co-production
  • COVID-19
  • Migrants
  • CEA and Migration

1 April 2022

Feedback in COVID-19 real-time tracking of community views – case studies from Belarus, Romania, and Turkey


Case Study



These case studies looks at some of the different approaches National Societies have taken to feedback mechanisms, the choices they have made based on their different contexts, the benefits and…

  • COVID-19
  • Feedback mechanism
  • KoBo
  • Russian