Strengthening and expanding Feedback mechanisms in the Solomon Islands

Resource details

Resource details

Resource type: Case Study

Organisation: IFRC, Soloman Islands Red Cross Society

Region: Asia-Pacific

Category: Complaints and feedback

Tags: Community feedback, Hotline, Radio, Social media

Publication year: 2024

Language: English



This case story showcases how the Solomon Islands Red Cross Society (SIRCS), with support from IFRC strengthened and expanded its community feedback mechanisms during the implementation of the USAID BHA Building Trust project in 2023-24. By utilizing a multi-channel approach—including mobile hotlines, social media, radio, and door-to-door surveys—SIRCS effectively engaged with diverse communities across the Solomon Islands. This initiative not only gathered valuable insights but also fostered trust, informed decision-making, and enhanced the impact of Red Cross activities, demonstrating the power of responsive and inclusive communication in meeting community needs.