3-day CEA training package

تُغطي هذه الدورة التدريبية الممُتدة لثلاثة أيام العناصر الأربعة المكونة للمشاركة المُجتمعية والمُساءلة:

  • مشاركة المجتمع المحلي وتعليقاته التقييمية
  • المعلومات كوسيلة مساعدة
  • اتصالات تغيير السلوكيات
  • المناصرة المدعومة بالشواهد

تُعلمك كيفية إدراج المشاركة المجتمعية والمساءلة في أي برنامج، وكيفية إضفاء الطابع المؤسسي على النهج المُتبع.

يمكنك تنزيل هذه الحزمة كملف مضغوط، أو في صورة أقسام مستقلة.

Search results

3 October 2024

Red Cross in Chiquimula: Overcoming Barriers to Help




Guatemalan Red Cross

The Guatemalan Red Cross has worked tirelessly in the communities of Chiquimula, where access is limited. Initially unknown, they gained the trust of the people. Through the BHA-CEA project, they learned to listen to the communities and reached 25 of them. Discover the challenges they faced and how they have improved access to safe water in this inspiring video.

  • BHA
  • CEA and WASH
  • Spanish

3 July 2023

Sanitary latrines improving hygiene conditions


Case Study


Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

A case study documenting community feedback captured during focus group discussions with recipients of latrine support to better understand the changes observed in the host communities after they received information and assistance.

  • Community feedback
  • Focus group discussion
  • Hygiene

28 February 2023

IFRC WASH guidelines for hygiene promotion in emergency operations





These guidelines outline a step-by-step process for Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers to plan and implement effective, context appropriate hygiene promotion, without taking shortcuts or delivering ‘hygiene messages’.

  • Arabic
  • Bangla
  • French

22 February 2023

An Introduction to Community Engagement in WASH





This guide aims to provide field staff with clear, accessible guidance on the principles and practice of community engagement in WASH programmes. The content has been field tested in a variety of contexts.

  • CEA and WASH

19 July 2022

CEA and WASH factsheet





This fact sheet provides brief information on how we can take a more systematic approach to community engagement – working in a transparent, inclusive and participatory way across the 8 steps for WASH. There are also sections on how CEA and WASH can work together, as well as some important “do’s and dont’s”.

  • Arabic
  • French
  • Spanish

19 July 2022

Protection, gender and inclusion in water, sanitation and hygiene promotion guidance note


Guidance note



This guidance note provides an overview of key Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) issues to consider when assessing, designing, implementing and monitoring both long-term and humanitarian WASH programmes, in the Red Cross Red Crescent context.

  • Arabic
  • French
  • PGI