CEA and Cash
The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement often uses humanitarian cash assistance to help people affected by a crisis. It is essential that we apply participatory approaches to our work, to make sure that we meet people’s needs and deliver cash according to the preferences of the communities we work with. If you wish to access information, tools, data, evidence and learning specific to humanitarian cash assistance visit cash-hub.org or access the online cash community of the Movement to discuss cash related topics and connect with cash practitioners of the Movement.
Key resources
14 April 2022
Emergency cash and voucher assistance card
IFRC, Slovak Red CrossA card providing information on the Red Cross emergency cash and voucher assistance available to the displaced persons fleeing Ukraine. Available in English and Ukrainian.
14 April 2022
Emergency cash and voucher assistance poster
IFRC, Slovak Red CrossA poster providing information on the Red Cross emergency cash and voucher assistance available to the displaced persons fleeing Ukraine. Available in English and Ukrainian. Printable versions of the posters…
12 April 2022
User journeys of MPC recipients in Lebanon
Ground TruthThis report presents research into the lived experiences, or ‘journeys’ of Syrian refugees in Lebanon receiving multi-purpose cash (MPC) from the World Food Programme (WFP), and is the product of…
1 March 2022
CEA during the Beirut blast response
Lebanese Red CrossIn this video, Pamela Saab, CEA Coordinator for Lebanese Red Cross, explains how, after the Beirut port blast, CEA was used by the Lebanese Red Cross to recognise and value…
21 January 2021
Community engagement and accountabilityin cash programming during COVID-19
IFRCWebinar slides on the use of community engagement and accountability in cash programming during COVID-19.
7 September 2020
Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) during COVID-19
IFRCThis tip sheet provides practical actions you can take before, during and after a Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programme to help integrate CEA principles. Available in English and Spanish.
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