CEA Data Tools
On this page you’ll find a compilation of tools designed to help you collect and analyse community perspectives, ensuring humanitarian responses are informed by local voices.
Key Tools
19 June 2019
Post distribution monitoring: Myanmar Flood Response 2015: relief distributions
IFRCA post distribution monitoring (PDM) questionnaire about the IFRC’s response to the Myanmar floods in 2015. This satisfaction survey gives citizens the chance to report on the support provided by…
17 June 2019
Information channels and information needs assessment template
IFRCAn information needs assessment/communications survey produced by the British Red Cross to gather information from affected communities about their communication channel options. This can be used to inform practice.
17 June 2019
Community profile questions
IFRCA series of example community profile questions which can be used to survey the community’s socio-economic characteristics, lifestyle and media consumption habits.
17 June 2019
Information needs and access baseline assessment
IFRCA CEA baseline assessment questionnaire on available channels of communication and access to information.
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