CEA in Europe
Explore resources related in Community Engagement and Accountability in the Europe region.
30 August 2023
IFRC Europe Peer Learning Events
IFRCThe IFRC Region of Europe CEA team’s bi-monthly Peer Learning Events, offer a forum for National Societies to share their experiences and achievements, ask questions and discuss challenges.
30 August 2023
Self assessment and action planning toward CEA minimum commitments, Netherlands RC
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRC, Netherlands Red CrossA case study documenting a comprehensive self-assessment carried out by The Netherlands Red Cross across its Domestic Department to understand how the Society is progressing towards the Movement-wide CEA commitments.…
9 August 2023
Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: CEA for Remote CVA programming webinar
British Red CrossThe first webinar in the series aimed to explore how Community, Engagement and Accountability (CEA) minimum actions and approaches were integrated into CVA within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement…
1 August 2023
BRC’s CEA CoP Terms of Reference
British Red CrossA Terms of Reference (ToR) for the British Red Cross’ CEA Community of Practice (CoP).
31 July 2023
Ukraine Six Month Info Centre Report
Ukrainian Red Cross SocietyA six-month report from the Ukraine Red Cross (URCS) National Information Centre, setting out its activities in the first six months of 2023, how the Information centre is structured, and…
12 July 2023
Ramadan Celebration Survey
Case StudyOrganization:
Hellenic Red CrossA case study documenting how Hellenic Red Cross (HRC) Accommodation Centres organised a survey to help understand how the centres could best cater to young people’s needs and priorities during…
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