Case studies
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29 June 2019
Epidemic ready: community engagement key in fight against ebola
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC case study which documents best practices in Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) to prevent the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
29 June 2019
Kenya Red Cross mainstreaming of accountability to communities: an operational case study
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRC, Kenya Red CrossAn IFRC and Kenya Red Cross case study, carried out by CDA Collaborative Learning, investigating how the National Society mainstreamed accountability to communities over a two year period, including establishing…
29 June 2019
Monitoring Perceptions of People Served by the Red Cross in Austria: a case study by IFRC
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC case study on ‘Monitoring Perceptions of People Served by the Red Cross in Austria and Their Field Staff’.
29 June 2019
Tracking Migrant Perception in Italy: a case study by IFRC
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC case study produced by Ground Truth on ‘Tracking Migrant Perceptions in Italy’, which includes perception surveys. More resources are available on the Ground Truth website:
29 June 2019
CEA in cash transfer programming: A best practice example from Madagascar
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC guide: ‘Community Engagement and Accountability in Cash Transfer Programming: A Best Practice Example from Madagascar’, which details how CEA was integrated into a cash-based intervention programme in Madagascar.
29 June 2019
Service review and development – IL Gofal Service
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study from the British Red Cross detailing how service users were involved in the review and development of an independent living (IL) service in Wales (Gofal).
29 June 2019
Peer research – Glasgow
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study produced by the British Red Cross looking at how asylum-seekers in Scotland can act as peer researchers.
29 June 2019
AVAIL project: Co-design of the UK asylum process course, Glasgow
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study produced by the British Red Cross as part of the AVAIL project, which looks at the involvement of people with lived experience in the co-design of…
29 June 2019
Our service user forum for the tenancy support service in Swansea
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study produced by the British Red Cross about the benefits of involving service users in a range of decision making processes, as part of a client-centred Independent…
29 June 2019
Involving people with lived experience in training for British Red Cross staff or volunteers
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study produced by the British Red Cross about the benefits of ‘Involving people with lived experience in training for Red Cross staff or volunteers’, so service users…
29 June 2019
Co-production case study refugee support in Derby
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study produced by the British Red Cross in Derby, outlining its approach to evaluating integration services for refugees and asylum-seekers.
29 June 2019
Innovation and co-production case study
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red CrossA co-production case study produced by the British Red Cross as part of the AVAIL project, which works towards integrating refugees and asylum seekers through participatory, peer and community approaches.
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