Case studies: Global
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Global Map of CEA Case Studies
Explore our new map of CEA case studies from around the world. Click on locations to see how Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies are fostering community participation, open and honest communication, and responsive feedback mechanisms in their programmes.
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3 October 2023
ECHO Programmatic Alliance Case Studies: Advocacy
IFRCIn Central America, the National Societies of Panama, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are part of an initiative called ECHO PPP, whose objective is to provide a better service to…
3 October 2023
ECHO Programmatic Alliance Case Studies: Internal Community
IFRCIn Central America, the National Societies of Panama, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are part of an initiative called ECHO PPP, whose objective is to provide a better service to…
3 October 2023
ECHO Programmatic Alliance Case Studies: Feedback
IFRCIn Central America, the National Societies of Panama, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are part of an initiative called ECHO PPP, whose objective is to provide a better service to…
3 October 2023
ECHO Programmatic Alliance Case Studies: Information as Aid
IFRCIn Central America, the National Societies of Panama, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are part of an initiative called ECHO PPP, whose objective is to provide a better service to…
28 September 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Guinea Case Study (French)
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability on public health emergencies. The overall objective of the…
25 September 2023
Eswatini Drought FbF: Validating Early Actions with Community Members
Case StudyOrganization:
British Red Cross, Eswatini Baphalali Red Cross SocietyThis case study captures learnings from an Early Action Protocol (EAP) validation exercise which was carried out by Eswatini Baphalali Red Cross Society (BERCS) between June and July 2022 as…
18 September 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Guatemala Case Study (Spanish)
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
30 August 2023
Self assessment and action planning toward CEA minimum commitments, Netherlands RC
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRC, Netherlands Red CrossA case study documenting a comprehensive self-assessment carried out by The Netherlands Red Cross across its Domestic Department to understand how the Society is progressing towards the Movement-wide CEA commitments.…
22 August 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Indonesia Case Study
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
22 August 2023
Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Malawi Case Study
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCThis case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) on public health emergencies. The overall objective of…
9 August 2023
Leveraging community feedback to enhance public health and drought responses
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRC, Zimbabwe Red CrossThis case study focuses on Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS) efforts to prioritise community members in the Chiredzi, Binga, and Mwenezi communities during public health responses to COVID-19 and measles,…
12 July 2023
Ramadan Celebration Survey
Case StudyOrganization:
Hellenic Red CrossA case study documenting how Hellenic Red Cross (HRC) Accommodation Centres organised a survey to help understand how the centres could best cater to young people’s needs and priorities during…
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