Viral Hemorrhagic Diseases
Clear, reliable communication and meaningful community engagement are crucial to avoiding fear, misinformation, and panic during responses to Viral Hemorrhagic Diseases (VHDs). This section offers tools and resources to help you incorporate Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) into your approach, ensuring a more effective and trusted response.
3 July 2019
You probably don’t have ebola if…
IFRCAn educational video about the Ebola virus, which covers transmission, symptoms and who is at risk of contracting the virus. It features links to IFRC sites containing further information.
29 June 2019
Red Cross mobilises 600,000 community members in fight against ebola
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC case study which documents best practices in Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) to prevent the spread of Ebola. These include engaging with and mobilising communities to control the…
29 June 2019
Epidemic ready: community engagement key in fight against ebola
Case StudyOrganization:
IFRCAn IFRC case study which documents best practices in Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) to prevent the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
20 June 2019
SURE programme – video report
InsightShareA Participatory Video (PV) produced by InsightShare to support the CEA efforts of the British Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society, as part of the region’s SURE programme.
16 June 2019
CEA in ebola preparedness operational case study in West Africa
Case StudyOrganization:
Madagscar Red CrossA case study from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies detailing CEA best practices and lessons learned, for the prevention of Ebola in West Africa.
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