
Es esencial utilizar canales de comunicación precisos y fiables para que las comunidades locales puedan compartir y recibir mensajes.

Estos recursos y herramientas le ayudarán a crear, planificar y transmitir mensajes a las comunidades de la forma más adecuada.

Red Cross volunteers help Ecuadorian migrants to contact their families by offering a free call service with smartphones

Search results

9 August 2023

Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: CEA for Remote CVA programming webinar




British Red Cross

The first webinar in the series aimed to explore how Community, Engagement and Accountability (CEA) minimum actions and approaches were integrated into CVA within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement response to the Ukraine crisis.

  • CEA and Cash
  • Conflict
  • Ukraine

3 July 2023

Youth in Teknaf


Case Study


Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

This case study documents feedback captured during focus group discussions with targeted communities between the ages of 18-35 to understand the changes to the lives of youths after receiving cash and livelihood assistance.

  • CEA and Cash
  • Community feedback
  • CVA

3 July 2023

Fishermen and fish vendors in Teknaf


Case Study


Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

This case study explores feedback captured during focus group discussions with targeted communities who are in the fishing industry to understand the changes to their lives after receiving cash assistance.

  • CEA and Cash
  • Community feedback
  • CVA

3 July 2023

Tomtom and rickshaw drivers


Case Study


Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

A case study documenting feedback captured during focus group discussions with targeted communities who make a living by transporting goods and people to understand the changes to their lives and livelihood after receiving cash assistance and skills development support.

  • Community feedback
  • CVA
  • Focus group discussion

3 July 2023

Small business owners in Teknaf


Case Study


Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

A case study documenting community feedback gathered during focus group discussions with targeted communities who are running their own small businesses to understand the changes to their lives after receiving cash assistance.

  • Community feedback
  • CVA
  • Focus group discussion

26 June 2023

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts





Since the mid-2010s, chatbots have grown in usage and popularity across the humanitarian sector. While this usage has gained traction, there is scarce information on the collective successes, risks, and trade-offs of this automation. This research addresses this gap, documenting chatbot deployments across the humanitarian sector and exploring the existing uses, benefits, trade-offs and challenges of using chatbots in humanitarian contexts.

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Chatbots

4 April 2023

Working together: CEA, PGI, and CVA





An introductory video to Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA), Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). By recognising people as experts in their own lives, CEA, PGI, and CVA, can work together to ensure people affected by crisis are able to proactively shape activities which better-meet their needs.

  • CEA and Cash
  • PGI
  • Video

15 March 2023

One Year Humanitarian Crisis In Ukraine: The Supporting Role Of Technology




Netherlands Red Cross

A blog by the Netherlands Red Cross 510 initiative on how they have used data & digital products and services to support CEA activities in the Ukraine and impacted countries crisis response.

  • Conflict
  • Data
  • Digital

22 February 2023

CEA in Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) E-learning Course


Training Material



This 2-hour online course on CEA throughout the programme is divided into seven independent bite-sized modules taking just a few minutes each. It focuses on CEA’s relationship to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and is relevant across all Red Cross Red Crescent activities, regardless of sector. Visit the Cash Hub for more CVA trainings:

  • CEA and Cash
  • CVA
  • Training

30 January 2023

CEA hunger crisis strategy, Africa region


Strategy document



This strategy document outlines how CEA will be used in IFRC's response to the hunger crisis in Africa to ensure that the voices of the most vulnerable people are systematically used to inform community-centred action on responding to the crisis.

  • French
  • Hunger crisis
  • Portuguese

9 January 2023

Context analysis report, Papua New Guinea





This report presents the context analysis and needs assessment of the vulnerable population that the seven branches of the Papua New Guinea Red Cross reach. The findings cover the safety and support within the community, most important needs, disaster preparedness, access to essential health care, vaccination against COVID-19, preferred information channels and information needs, community engagement and accountability, and others that will inform programme priorities and planning.

  • Asia Pacific
  • CEA and Health
  • Context analysis

1 December 2022

Guyana COVID-19 Perception Study 2022 (summary)




Guyana Red Cross

This document contains a summary analysis of findings from six focus groups and an online perception survey, developed by the Guyana Red Cross Society with support from the IFRC CEA Americas team, on the COVID-19 perceptions of migrant population; members of indigenous peoples in a situation of migration; and members of local indigenous peoples. Additionally, it contains CEA recommendations and action points.

  • COVID-19
  • Focus group discussion
  • CEA and Health