Community Engagement and Accountability Impact Research: Guinea Case Study

Resource details

تفاصيل الموارد

نوع الموارد : دراسة الحالة

اسم المنظمة : IFRC

المنطقة: أفريقيا

الفئة: Case study, الأوبئة, فيروس كورونا (كوفيد-19)

العلامات: CEA and Health, COVID-19, Ebola, Epidemics, French, Impact, Research

سنة النشر : 2023

لغة: العربية



This case study was conducted as part of research commissioned by the IFRC on the impact of community engagement and accountability on public health emergencies. The overall objective of the research is to identify, understand and document how community engagement and accountability approaches have changed, impacted and/or influenced Red Cross Red Crescent programmes and community health systems during public health emergencies in five countries: Indonesia, Guatemala, Guinea, Georgia and Malawi. This document presents the results of the research in Guinea.